Did you know that wires also have a shelf life?


In our daily lives, there is a hidden danger that is easily ignored by most people - expired wires. In fact, wires, like food, also have a shelf life. Wires that have exceeded their shelf life can not only become a fire hazard but also pose a threat to personnel safety.

The service life of wires is affected by many factors, including material, environment, load, etc. Over time, the insulation material of the wire will gradually age, causing its insulation performance to decrease and even expose the copper core. This not only increases the risk of electric shock, but may also cause a fire.


We should check the condition of the wires regularly. If there are frequent tripping, flickering lights, hot switches and sockets, or a burning smell at home, we should pay attention. This may be a sign of aging wires and needs to be checked immediately.

Once you find a problem with the wire, you should immediately contact a professional electrician for inspection and replacement. Remember not to do it yourself to avoid safety accidents.

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